I am too lazy to even try and learn html tbh so your gonna have to put up with this mess... anyways if you got here because i died or i just gave you this link in some way HI!!!! im fumo aka yung earl crash alot or ruzk or ruzker or just chris in general if u know me irl... But This little wannabe website is a journal, okay maybe not journal idc its just a thing im doing to keep me motivated atleast on some way to keep tabs on my life and write shit down that goes on day or week by week in my younger years so i can maybe read this when im older or you could read this yaknow..

This is my photos mane

anyways if u see text in this color this means idk wtf it measn actually but idgaf its important or something happened to me that isnt very good... like uh.. idk what examples to give.. but idk not tryna be cringey and shit but like i hate people so that would be a good one or if i get molested or some shit LMFAO

this nigga blue for some reason. Hi im blue

and this nigga big right here --> I am big :)